The Gift of Gratitude

Most of you know that I recently accomplished a lifelong goal of trekking to Everest base camp.

During one pivotal moment, I took time to soak in the beauty of God’s creation. The Himalayas - over 100 picturesque peaks with awe-inspiring views.

And at this highly emotional moment, I took a knee.

We were eight days into our hike at this point. I was the eldest of the group, double everyone’s age, and the sherpas had tried helping me along the way, “Let me carry your backpack, Mr. Bill. Make it easy on yourself.”

I said, “I don’t do easy.”

So they honored that. I had a lot of time every day, eight hours a day, to reflect. I’m not a guy who gabs on the trail or tries to get wifi to check in with the world.

I love to disconnect and go deep inward with my thoughts. It’s a noisy whirlwind world out there, but not on the trail; things become way simpler.

So when I took a knee, the sherpas rushed over to see if I was okay because many people tapped out due to the altitude. I reassured them that I was terrific. And when they saw the tears in my eyes, they said, “Are you sure?" I said, “oh yeah, I’m definitely sure.”

Because what I was experiencing and taking in so intensely at that moment, that I want you to have, is gratitude. The overflowing gratitude and joy that Abraham Maslow talks about when you achieve self-actualization.

I recall this moment with crystal clarity and what I was reflecting on was my 35-year-old self. Back then, my gratitude was always in the future. I’ll be happy, joyful and grateful when…

  • I become successful.

  • My business takes off.

  • When I’m rich.

  • My list went on with endless external possibilities.

Now I know, in my 69th year, that gratitude is right now, not then. Can you be happier? Sure. But you can also have gratitude and happiness whenever you choose to.

Gratitude is in grasping the core and good of your life. When I looked around at the Himalayas, I was overcome with gratitude for all that I have right now - my kids, I married my West Point sweetheart, my health is optimal, I have two companies, I have you, my friends.

I can (and did) continue to give thanks to the long list I have that’s surrounding me daily, the list of things that we so easily overlook: our family, our time with kids, our time on earth, our health, etc.

So this week, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, I encourage you to do a couple of things.

First, Set the intention to be grateful, not stressful.
Right now, not in the future when something “happens.”

WAKE-UP CALL: Your life is happening RIGHT NOW, not in the future.

Start taking time each morning to speak out loud about what you are grateful for. See if you can find more things throughout the day.

Later this week, I will be posting a blog for a new, free tool - the GratitudeAccelerator.

I created this tool because I want you to do what I never did when I was an entrepreneur. I want you to live grateful in the present moment and not grumpy in the future or past.

I’ll dive deeper and include a video on how to complete the worksheet later this week. Stay tuned!


Bill's Badass Book List


Leaders Are Made Not Born