MISSION: Go on an adventure

Your mission, should you accept it, is to go on an adventure this year. 

At The Lions Pride, we offer members-only events called Tactical Advances. (Our next event is coming up soon on January 26!) Cohort members fly in from across the country for a live, in-person weekend at my ranch in Victor, ID. We work a day on your business and the next day on yourlife, combined with expert guest speakers and great meals where we gather around the dinner table. And, of course, we have an adventure (self). 

These are real-deal adventures out in the wilderness, climbing the mountains or rafting down the river. Some people are surprised we have this rigorous activity because many organizations meet at the Marriott, dress up and adventure out to an elegant evening.

We don’t do that.

We get muddy, cold, and tired. 

Why is that? 

Numerous studies have reported that exposure to nature is associated with reductions in stress and physiological metrics, revealing the positive effects of nature and the surrounding environment on mental and physical well-being. And now, according to this Healthline article, researchers suggest the benefits of spending time in nature extend much further than previously believed.

So when you join me on an adventure (and I promise we never leave anyone behind), you’re accelerating the underlying mechanisms of your mind, body, and soul. So when we send you back to the whirlwind from the ranch, you’ll be in a more powerful state.

Shared challenging experiences benefit you personally and benefit you collectively. One of the most powerful aspects of our Cohort is our community of 1%-ers aka the tip-of-the-spear badass, proven individuals.

These individuals know where you’ve been, where you’re going, and where you are now. Groups who have shared experiences can become each others’ support systems, boardrooms, and mentors, and pull each other up to new levels of success. 

These adventures knit our group together so that when they return to the whirlwind, members have people they can trust and don’t have to go about the entrepreneurship path alone. 

Having this peer support is a crucial part of business coaching. People often think that business coaching is solely 1:1, expert advice. While that is a component, growing your community, and being involved in that community, will stretch you and strengthen your leadership skills to levels you never knew you had. 

I’d welcome a conversation with a badass like you to join TLP. But it doesn’t have to be us! So my advice to you this week is to get out of your comfort zone, plan an adventure (even if it’s local) and start to find your Cohort. 

Embrace this philosophy: Get outside with cool people and do something fun. 



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