The #1 Accelerator of Happiness
Everybody wants to be happy. Badasses want to understand the science behind happiness.
The Science of Happiness is a subject I’ve researched and a course I am currently teaching in one of our Cohort tracks.
“Well, Bill, it’s easy for you to be happy—you achieved your goals. I’m stressed and busy making money.”
Sound familiar?
When you are deep in the trenches of entrepreneurship, it can seem like happiness needs to take a back seat.
Sometimes we need to prioritize our time to get past what Abraham Maslow calls survival mode, safety and physiological needs, so we can move up the ladder to love, self-esteem, and self-actualization.
But here’s a secret—it is possible to have happiness now—before you reach your goals.
And I want to tell you one tip from my research, including the Harvard Study of Adult Development—one of the longest-running studies on happiness.
The #1 accelerator of Happiness = Relationships.
“Personal connection creates mental and emotional stimulation, which are automatic mood boosters, while isolation is a mood buster.”
You could have told young Bill Watkins the importance of relationships years ago, but I wouldn’t have listened. I thought my career, company, revenue, profits, and bank account were more important. At least my checkbook and calendar showed that even though I may have talked a different game.
Don’t follow that pattern. The research shows that relationships are crucial to happiness, so here’s what I want you to think about:
We’re at the beginning of the new year—looking forward to what’s ahead. But first, reflect back and think about the most meaningful person in your life.
Ask yourself, “What did I receive from this person last year?” More importantly, “what have I given to this person?”
Let’s be honest, “What difficulties, trouble, or problems have I caused this person?”
And listen, no matter how much you love someone and how close you are to them, relationships are complicated, so don’t tell me it’s all been roses and sunshine.
So what trouble did you cause? Call it out and hold yourself accountable.
Final Step: “How can I show more gratitude for this person?”
My Suggestion: Share the answers with them.
They will appreciate you even more than they already do.
This practice is short and simple. You can do it whether you have $5 million in revenue or a half million in revenue. You have the choice to pour into your relationships and now seems like a more opportune time than ever.
When you do, you’re accelerating your happiness and theirs.