Their results speak for themselves.

I have 10,000+ hours of private and group coaching badasses just like you.

  • Michael Bice

    “The type of people that gravitate towards The Lions Pride are extremely talented and driven people that want to succeed. Surrounding yourself with these kinds of people will only make you better.”

  • Paul Reilly

    “You don’t have to do this alone. It doesn’t have to be a solo trek to the North Pole of abject misery. There are tools. There are groups available like The Lions Pride that are going to get you out of the stuck place that you are in and give you the boost that you’ve needed.”

  • Stephan Abrams

    “I now thoroughly enjoy what I do every day, personally and professionally. It is not a drain. It energizes me to be where I am and to enjoy the moments I have with my family and friends when I’m outside of work. Considering where I was when I started, that is definitely saying something.”

  • Brian Zickefoose

    “The Lions Pride quickly taught me that learning and doing it all by yourself is slow, stressful, and counter-productive. If you want to achieve great things, you’ve got to surround yourself with people who have done it or are doing it better than you.”

  • Jed Richard

    “Right off the bat, The Lions Pride changed my mindset and way of thinking to go behind what we do and think of all of the people that make it happen—and how to bring out the best in them. Our company culture is now one of our greatest assets.”

  • Lane Beene

    “Before I joined The Lions Pride, I didn't really understand the difference between being the owner of real estate assets and being a business owner. TLP helped me evolve that mindset—and my business evolved with it.”

  • Mike Steadman

    “My Cohort members have become my personal board of advisors. Within a year, I was able to launch IRONBOUND MEDIA and have it be profitable right out of the gate. I just had to have the right tools and the right people around me.”

  • Trevor Shirk

    “I had very specific challenges that were between me and going to the next level. I was so grateful that my company had reached a survival benchmark, but there was so much I didn’t know about the next phase of growth. And that’s where Bill and TLP came in.”

  • Bubba Albrecht

    “The Lion Pride took me from running solo in the wilds of the jungle, feeling like I could be destroyed at any moment, to a band of brothers, a community. It REALLY changed my mindset.”

  • Mike Nemeth

    “I was anti-coaching. I didn’t want someone who had simply been a coach all their life. I wanted someone with real experience. I found it at The Lions Pride.”

  • John Hamon

    “I didn’t need a pat on the head and encouragement to get back out on the field. What I needed were plays to execute. Bill and The Lions Pride had all the tools in the toolbox. They were concrete. They were actionable. That’s all it took for me to jump in.”