The Life Values Tool
Discover what drives you.
Google Doc
30 min
Everyone (Spouses, kids, teams, too!)
“It’s not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.”
“Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words.
Keep your words positive because your words become your behavior.
Keep your behavior positive because your behavior becomes your habits.
Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values.
Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.”
How well do you know your values? When we talk to potential Cohort Members, we can usually answer this question for them. It’s (painfully) easy to tell the difference from the high-performers who know who they are, what they want, and what they don’t—and those who have been coasting through with bumps and bruises to prove it.
This isn’t to say that if you live by your values you won’t make mistakes or have conflict or run into trouble. Far from it. You’ll just feel a helluva lot better about it.
Knowing what drives you has a ton of benefits:
You approach business and life with a sense of ownership and calm.
You sleep better.
You make better decisions faster.
You naturally experience less stress and more joy.
You articulate your needs more clearly, resulting in less confusion and fewer miscommunications.
You fall down fewer rabbit holes and spirals.
Once we identify our values and commit to them, we can more easily define and demonstrate how we show up in business, in life, and in the mirror.
What it Does
The Life Values Tool (available for free here) can help you identify and articulate your top ten values so that you can put them into action right away. Discover what drives you in just 30 minutes or less and start aligning your actions with your thoughts—you’ll notice how much more clear, confident, fulfilled, and happy you feel when you do. Start now!
How to put the Life Values Tool to work
Make it a priority.
Block out at least a half hour of uninterrupted time to dedicate to this exercise.
Discover your 10.
Read through the list of 108 values provided, carefully considering which ones resonate with you, and delete anything that does not.
Once you have about 25, start highlighting the ones that ring truest for you—eliminating any that feel redundant in the process—the goal is to narrow the list down to ten values that you would not be YOU without.
Prioritize your list.
You can easily do this by asking yourself “if you had to pare the list down one more, which one would you eliminate?” Use that one as your 10th place value. Continue working through this process of elimination until you have your very last (and clearly most important) value in first place.
Evaluate, evolve, and execute.
Now it is time to put your spin on this list.
What do these words mean to you?
How do they influence your life?
How can you better put them into practice?
By writing down your thoughts around each value you can begin to see how they have not only shaped who you are but also who you’d like to become and how you would like to be remembered.
Why Cohort Members love it
It puts your gut feelings into words. Each value resonates more when they become actionable. Writing them out helps guide you to do more of what you love and less of what you don’t.
It prioritizes and aligns who you are with the life you want. It’s nearly impossible to live a full, rewarding, deeply satisfying life without knowing what makes it that way. Keeping your values top of mind and sharing them with people you trust, opens you up to different perspectives and deeper connections.
Aligns your values with your decision-making. Once you know what makes you tick on a deeper level, decisions become easier, life feels less overwhelming, and the important aspects of your life become more obvious.