The One Page Personal Plan (OP3)
Get your life together—and on the same page.
Google Doc
5 hours
(all at once, or an hour a day for five days)
Anyone ready to take control of their personal narrative—past, present, and future.
“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”
How well do you know what you are working towards?
What shaped you to get to where you are now?
How much of your story is your own?
These are not rhetorical questions. If you haven’t given their answers much thought before, you are long overdue.
Here’s why: All too often, we speed through life at a breakneck pace, never slowing down to see where we’ve been or reveling in all that the present is offering us. We all seem to have a similar destination in mind—great health, happiness, financial security—but the exact details of this goal look different to everyone.
And most of us are missing the point.
The One Page Personal Plan not only captures the highlights of the stories and circumstances that have made you who you are, but helps you control the narrative about where they take you. It puts your past, present, and future together on one page, so you not only see the patterns of performance, but also the path to achievement.
What it does
The One Page Personal Plan (what we at TLP call the O3P) helps you put signs on the roadmap of your life. It helps you acknowledge the traits, skills, and experiences that make you unique. It also helps you identify what brings you joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment so that you can experience more of all three (and isn’t that what life is all about?)
The O3P’s easy-to-use format prompts you to think about often overlooked details and helps shine a light on what special skills and talents you have to offer everyone around you. To echo the sentiment of nearly every Cohort member: This is one of those assessment tools that you might be tempted to skip. Don’t. You will be amazed how much it contributes to your overall happiness, freedom, and relationships—but also your bottom line and success at work.
This is a priority-alignment tool, a decision-making accelerator, and a life-shaping exercise. After all, you’re already working so hard—wouldn’t it be nice to know what you’re actually working towards?
How to put the O3P to work
Every O3P is as unique as the individual (or couple) that works on it. It can be as detailed or as loose as you would like it to be—but it is essential to make the effort and take the time to do it right. This is an evolving document—one that you’ll want to refer to time and time again—so make sure it is worthy of that.
Filled with questions, self-assessments, and fill-in-the-blank options, the O3P will guide you to capture the essence of your (constant) evolution. It is something that you should be proud of—a life well lived—now and with a vision set for years to come.
The One Page Personal Plan covers a lot of territory, but centers on three main categories.
Your Persona.
This section captures who you are at the core. What are your values, your life stories, your unique capabilities, and your limiting beliefs? This is honestly and authentically you and how you’ll ultimately be remembered.
Your Passion.
This is a good section to complete with a loved one. Let your imagination run wild and dream about where you want to be 25 years from now. Then work backward and think about what it will take to get there. What steps do you need to take now to reach certain benchmarks in three years?
Your Performance.
This is where you’ll start to plot out your year to come. Pull out your Life Assessment Wheel and start prioritizing what it will take for you to have your best year yet. Focus on what matters most to you, what will make the biggest impact, and what will bring you the most joy.
It may feel like a lot—but so does every well-lived life. Tackle the O3P at your own pace. Break it down into sections at a time or crush it out in one swoop. Use it as an inspirational guide and a conversation starter with your significant other. Whatever you do—just make sure you do it.
Why Cohort members love it
It provides a realistic snapshot of your present situation. If you take the time to work through each module honestly—you will walk away with a clear answer to the question “where did the time go?”
It gets you to think about the big picture. How do you want to be remembered? What things can be delegated in the future? What things would you like to devote more time to? This tool helps you figure that out because your answers are based on actual data from the previous year.
It makes you take a hard look at yourself. The O3P gets you to recognize who you think you are vs. who you really are—and more importantly what steps you need to take to reconcile the two.