Playmakers and Gamechangers: Why Teams (and Companies) Need Both To Win
“I am convinced that nothing we do is more important than hiring and developing people. At the end of the day, you bet on people, not on strategies.”
Are you a Gamechanger?
Dan Sullivan uses the term “Game Changer” in his writing. It refers to people who create, envision, and frame solutions to problems with passion and gusto. In my neck of the woods, we call these folks 10x Accelerators—innovative, highly driven Founders CEOs hellbent on changing the way the world works.
If you’re reading this article, this probably sounds a heckuva lot like you.
The problem with gamechangers, as I’m sure you are well aware, is that following up and following through on your ideas isn’t necessarily your cup of jet fuel. You probably get bogged down by details, processes, spreadsheets, checklists, flowcharts, and campaigns. You just want to get it going—as fast, easy, and profitably as possible.
And that’s where Playmakers come in.
Playmakers are their own breed of badass—and they’re the secret sauce to any organization (or partnership!), whether you are just starting out or have several people on your team.
Also called Integrators (Gino Wickman) or Innovation Managers (Dan Sullivan), Playmakers are key members of your team who can translate big ideas into the nitty, gritty details—even in a changing landscape. They are highly skilled at organizing everyone around the methods, processes, and structures that give ideas practical, pushable, palpable growth.
Gamechangers grease the wheels. Playmakers give them traction. Or, as Dan would say: “One makes it up. The other makes it real.”
Magic, meet wand.
Playmakers and Gamechangers need each other to win. If you don’t have enough of one, it’s time to build your team with direction and intention. Keep reading to find out how.
There are tons of assessment tools to help you and your team find your happy places within your organization. Take a few minutes today to drive awareness of your skills and roles with one (or more!) of the following assessments:
The Visionary and Integrator Assessments (FREE) by Gino Wickman and Mark C. Winters
The Fascination Advantage (FREE) by Sally Hoghead
The Strengthfinder Assessment by Don Clifton
The Kolbe A by Kathy Kolbe
Read this: The 80% Approach by Dan Sullivan
“All multiplier growth in the world requires three things: make it up, make it real, make it recur.” -Dan Sullivan