Why Your Company Needs a Moonshot Goal

How to push yourself out of your comfort zone and turn your moonshot goals into out-of-this-world business opportunities.

Want a planning perk that will get you fired up about where your business is headed: consider creating a moonshot goal.

A good moonshot goal “offers a meaningful break from the past.” It should inspire, be credible and most importantly, be imaginative (like President Kennedy’s goal to put a man on the moon—which is where this goal got its name). It may be challenging or pricey to pull off, but the potential impact makes it worth pursuing.


Because true acceleration for your business means looking past the next 365 days—or even the next three years. Sometimes you need to dream at warp speed to look at what you ultimately want to achieve, then reverse engineer it from there.  

Think about your business as it currently stands. What problem are you currently solving? 

Now, put that solution into hyperdrive with a “moonshot mindset.” As Peter Diamandis points out, a moonshot mindset helps you take the world’s biggest problems and turn them into its most significant business opportunities.

So how can you start to dream big(ger)?

  • Don’t be afraid to get a little wild.  Permit yourself to take on big, crazy ideas without worry about practicalities like budget or how labor-intensive it might be...yet.

  • Become an innovator.  You’re an entrepreneur, so you’re already skilled at building success (and jobs and a community) around something you completely made up. Now think about how you create something that will leave the world a little better in your wake. What does it look like? What would it take to create it?

  • Develop a growth mindset. Believing you can improve is half the battle. When you take the “no idea is a bad idea” approach, you open yourself to possibilities. Every problem has a solution—you and your team will find a way to figure it out—as long as you know you can. 

A moonshot mindset requires a different—and sometimes daunting—way of thinking. Feeling stuck? Check out this article for creative inspiration and motivation.

You didn’t start your business to play it safe or play it small. Take a few minutes today to shove yourself out of your office and your comfort zone to look ahead at that bright future.

What will it look like when you get there?

To the moon, badass!

Looking for more ways to make your dreams a reality? Sign up for our newsletter and check our free badass business tools in the Arsenal.No matter how well you’ve managed the pandemic shift, there’s a good chance you—and your team—are suffering from burnout. 

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