Are You (Really) as Good as Everyone Thinks You Are?

Imposter Phenomenon is real. Even if it’s only in your head.

Show of hands—how many of you have ever walked into a meeting or presentation and felt like you didn’t belong there?

If you’re like a lot of high-performers and high-achievers, you’re not alone. Upwards of 82% of people have felt like a poser—which means the majority of badasses think and feel, at least on a small level, like they don’t deserve the reputation they’ve clearly worked so hard to build.

Many highly successful people struggle with:

  • Feeling like a fraud

  • Fear of others discovering “the truth” about their talents

  • Believing in their own success

Dr. Rose Clance (the one who coined the Imposter Phenomenon (IP) term) is an honored member of our Cohort speaker network. She developed this test to help individuals determine whether or not they have IP characteristics and, if so, to what extent their lives and businesses are impacted. 

Are you (really) an Imposter? Take The Imposter Test and find out.

The higher your score, the more frequently and seriously the Impostor Phenomenon interferes with your life.

At its worst, Imposter Phenomenon can leave you feeling out of your depth or like you are getting away with something. This pervasive feeling can prevent you from trying new things, pitching new clients, or introducing yourself to great opportunities. 

TRY THIS:  It may sound simple (the best solutions usually are), but you can combat negative thoughts by flipping the script into something that will leave you feeling more optimistic and self-aware. Use this FREE worksheet to turn negative self-talk into powerful self-actualization.

At its best, Imposter Phenomenon can be the warning you need to channel that fear into something positive. In his TED Talk, Mike Cannon-Brookes tells us that most successful people don’t question themselves —but instead question their ideas and knowledge on a subject. 

TRY THIS: Think of that feeling as a signal—letting you know when you are in too deep and when it is time to ask for advice. Harness that feeling and use it to improve your ideas.

Don’t let self-doubt get in your way of exploring and unleashing your true potential. Only you have the power to get out of your head—and get down to business, and your very real impact.

Another great way to conquer Imposter Phenomenon is to surround yourself with others who might be on the same trajectory as you—and can call you on your BS. Meet other badasses in business and share your hurdles and triumphs when you apply to join our Cohort.

Bill covers topics like this (and then some) on LinkedIn all the time—
connect and join the conversation!


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