You're lying to yourself.

You are a talented, proven, highly successful business leader—in the top 1% of the game.

You’ve overcome entrepreneurial obstacles and slayed dragons along the way.

You’re a certified badass. Right?

“Bill, I’m swimming upstream—full speed ahead.”

That, my friend, is your limiting belief.

David Emerald, author of The Power of TED, was a guest speaker at one of our Cohort sessions. During that session, he opened our eyes to the invisible limiting beliefs that are holding us back.

Similarly, in his blog, David talks about a fish swimming in circles in a small bowl. When placed in a larger space, the fish continues to swim in circles, unaware of the potential possibilities that lie beyond its comfort zone.

That is you. You are the fish, swimming in circles because it’s safe.

Is it productive? No. Can you continue to power through the tasks you're doing and live a seemingly okay life? Yes.

Is there a way that you can enjoy the big open sea, living life to your fullest potential and leaving these old patterns (constant circles) behind?


Do you remember in The Matrix when Neo meets Morpheus? Morpheus holds out his hand offering two pills.

  • Blue pill—you take it, you wake up and everything is as it was, as you think it should be.

  • Red pill—you take it, you wake up and see what really is there.

Which do you choose? For most, it will be the blue pill. It’s easier. It’s safer. It’s what we know. I did the same thing, 30 years ago.

You may resist what I’m telling you. I’ve used this analogy before, but we’re not living in some action/sci-fi movie. So let me share a concrete example with you.

You tell yourself that your relationships are great, your health is awesome, you’re building your business faster than anyone. “Man, I’ve got my sh*t together.”

But what if you’re wrong?

What if you’re like I was 30 years ago when I also truly believed I was killing it in every aspect of my life, only to discover I was really killing myself?

That’s exactly what Dr. David Kuntz told me: “You’re killing yourself as a startup entrepreneur. I wouldn’t be surprised if you died of a catastrophic health event in six to eight months.”

But I was too far gone. “No I won’t, David, I’m superman.”

My ex-wife said, “You keep doing this and we’re not going to be married” At least, that’s the CliffsNotes version. My response: “We’re all good.”

We divorced shortly after.

I could give you countless other examples of when I kept taking the blue pill, believing that I could make the life what I wanted, the life I deserved, when in fact there was much more out there waiting for me.

If any of this sounds familiar, here’s my challenge to you: red pill or blue pill?

  • Swimming in circles in the little bowl, lying to yourself about what you’re actually accomplishing?

  • Or exploring deeper waters in the big bowl, finding endless opportunities for something better than you imagined?

I know which one I would pick.

Your life doesn’t have to be exhausting and full of struggle. Instead, it could be exhilarating, legendary, and breathtaking.

I haven’t seen it all, but I’ve seen a lot and am challenging you because I’m attracted to 1%-ers on their journey to becoming 0.01%-ers. I’m not there yet, but I’m working on it. I want to be at the tip of the tip of the spear, push on it, and bleed the joy of an amazing life.

I don’t tell you this to impress you but to impress upon you because I want the same thing for you!

And if you’ve read this email this far, you should be intrigued enough to ask the question…

What could I do beyond what I believe is my paradigm?

We both want what’s best for you, so let’s do this together.




Guest Expert: Alicia Butler Pierre


Stop wearing busy as a badge of honor.